University Traffic & Parking
Students, employees and guests are responsible for maintaining current registration and operating their vehicles according to Pennsylvania state law and Susquehanna University traffic and parking regulations.
Susquehanna University Campus Safety Office reserves the right to make and enforce regulations deemed to be in the university community’s best interest. Violations may result in motor vehicle privileges being denied, suspended or revoked by the university.
Registration for students, faculty and staff
- Students and employees who use parking on Susquehanna University property must display a valid registration sticker or placard and register their vehicles with Campus Safety, which they can do on the myNest Campus Safety site under ‘Forms.’
- Occasional guests to campus are not required to register their vehicles and may use visitor parking areas for up to eight hours per day, for no more than two consecutive days. Longer-term visitors should contact the Campus Safety Office at 570-372-4444 or to request a visitor parking permit. Overnight guests must register their vehicle information
Parking Regulations
- Parking is permitted only in designated areas indicated by signs, painted spaces and/or approval by the Susquehanna University Campus Safety Office.
- Students may not park in areas designated for faculty and staff.
- Limited non-resident student parking permits will be issued for the commuter lot outside of TRAX or general student parking. Students with general parking permits may not park in the commuter lot.
- No one may park in restricted areas designated by “No Parking” signs, yellow curbs or yellow/white lines indicating no parking zones.
- No one may park in or block delivery service drivers and loading zones, walkways and accessible paths or entrances and exits of parking lots.
- No one may park in a fire lane or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Violators’ vehicles are subject to immediate towing and will be issued a ticket from the Borough of Selinsgrove.
- No one may park on a lawn, planted areas or any surface not designated for motor vehicles.
- Vehicles with a Persons with Disability Parking Placard may be parked in designated spaces. In special circumstances, the Disability Services Office may approve temporary placards.
- No one is permitted to sleep overnight in a vehicle parked on campus. The Campus Safety Office may grant permission for the temporary use of RVs and campers for special events.
- It is the responsibility of all students, faculty and staff to be aware of the parking policy and map.
- Parking violation is punishable with a fine up to $200. Violators’ vehicles are also subject to towing and other associated expenses and consequences according to this policy.
- Fourteen days after an offense, fines will be forwarded to the Business Office to be billed to the offender/registered operator’s university account. If the violator is a student, unpaid parking tickets will result in a financial hold on the student’s account, and this may impact their ability to register for classes and/or diploma at graduation.
- Campus Safety always enforces reserved, fire lane and accessible parking. At the office’s discretion, parking enforcement will be suspended during finals, as well as the first week of classes through Thursday, with enforcement beginning on Friday.
Parking and Traffic Violation Tickets
- The Campus Safety Office is authorized to issue tickets for Susquehanna University. Tickets issued on behalf of Susquehanna are handled by the Business Office for billing. Borough of Selinsgrove tickets are handled by the Borough Police Department.
Susquehanna University Campus Safety Office may tow a vehicle parked in violation of the following regulations:
- Student vehicle parked in a faculty/staff space.
- Vehicle parked in a designated fire lane or parked in a hazardous position as interpreted by a member of Campus Safety.
- Vehicle parked in a space designated by an accessible parking sign without a proper Persons with Disability Parking Placard or parked in a manner that blocks access for others.
- Vehicles blocking areas during events or parking in a way that creates a hazard.
- Vehicle parked in any space not intended for vehicle parking, including grass.
- Vehicle drivers receiving a fourth violation warning or parking unregistered vehicles on campus.
If your vehicle is towed, please contact:
Keller’s Auto Body Inc.
825 N. High St., Selinsgrove, PA 17870
- Appeals must be submitted through the online parking appeals form on the Campus Safety website within 10 calendar days of the issuance of a parking and traffic violation ticket. Appeals will not be accepted after this time.
- The Parking Appeals Committee, which is led by Campus Safety and includes a member of the staff, faculty and student body, meets twice a semester to review appeals. Review outcomes may include a decision to deny or uphold the appeal, void the ticket, reduce the fine or sanction or other actions. All decisions from the Parking Appeals Committee are final.